It encourages close contact with nature, its tranquil sounds, and its pleasant perfumes. To be respectful to the nature, the fishers must integrate the wild environment surrounding him and try to understand the behaviour of the fishes he is looking for.
The pole fishing
This approach consists on attracting the fish in a place which has been previously determined. This place is called “pole”. This method has to be promoted concerning the fishing of white fishes like bleaks, roaches, breams, carps, tenches.. A bait, more or less complex in its composition (a mix of flours and a huge variety of seeds) will be tossed to a special distance from the bank (this distance will be determined by the fishing rod length), generally between 4 and 13 meters from the bank. Because of its chemical composition, the fish will be attracted “on the pole”. At this moment, the fisher will be able to fish it with a floating line. In Pratulo’s property, there are first categories rivers where lures to put on hooks may it be earthworm, wheat or simply bread.
Lure fishing (carnivorous fishes)
This method is one of the most funny and playful ways to fish. It is an animated way to fish and a good occasion to do a walk, sometimes sporting but thrilling, along the costs or the streams. These rambles may also be done by boat, to appreciate more peacefully the marvels of our nature. Lure fishing is truly efficient as soon as fishes are active.
There are a huge number of lures (minnows, soft lures, flies…)
By fishing this way, the fish you may find in Pratulo’s home are perches, pikes and trouts.
Fly fishing
This kind of fishing is before all, a way to be in nature and practice at leisure. It allows to fish numerous fish (trouts, carps…) in a variety of environments.
This leisure fishing method is as much characterised by the use of fake flies, as the use of a line (called silk) of which the weight and the thickness served to shoot the flies out tanks to the act of throwing. This act is said “fouetté”.
In freshwater, fly fishing is split up in 3 categories which are defined by the impersonation the fly used try to give:
- Dry fly (imitation of on-surface floating insects)
- The nymph and the bathed fly (mimic of aquatic insects’ larvas or nymphs, moving on the bottom or deriving naturally between two waters).
- The streamer (impersonation of fish larvas or small fishes).
During your stay, you could fish different kind of fish thanks to this method. For example, you could find trouts, perches, chubs.
What fish to fish?